Sunflower lightweight fender (preorder)
Check out our new range of lightweight fender saddles 🐴
🐴Made to order- takes approximately 10 weeks
🐴Available in 12”, 12.5”, 13”, 13.5”, 14”, 14.5”, 15”, 15.5” or 16”
🐴 Available with 6”, 6.3/4” or 7” gullet
🐴 Available in full roughout, plain leather (no tooling) or tooled leather as pictured
🐴 Weighs 8kg
🐴 Can come with or without back cinch
🐴 All saddles come with matching breastplate and back cinch if chose this option
🐴 Option of light or darker leather
🐴 If require specific modifications, please email us